Fifty Linden Fridays 20 Sept 2019: Light Plank Dining

This table and benches have a rustic wooden look, with the table legs and benches painted white.

Table is 1 land impact.

Each bench is 4 land impact, sits up to 4 avatars, and has 16 PG poses.

Original mesh by our own Jack (Markus Slingshot).

Objects are mod, copy, no transfer. Scripts/poses/etc inside bench are no mod.

Avsitter used to pose bench, and scripts were left inside so you can adjust positions to suit your avatar.

This item is on sale for only L$50 in our main store for one day only (20 September 2019) as part of the event Fifty Linden Fridays. After this date this item will be available at its normal price of L$300.

Extra item: Golden Table Setting

Gold metallic cups, plates, and utensils with a light place mat that hangs over the table edge. L$50 for FLF.

Get this item at our main store landing point