Tag: Photo Hightligh

  • Photo Highlights: Engelsstaub Resident

    Photo Highlights: Engelsstaub Resident

    “A designer knows when he has reached perfection not when there is nothing left to add but when there is nothing left to take away.” —Antione de Sainte-Exupery Duchess of Reiligs invites to her Tea Party by Engelsstaub Resident beautifully incorporates our Marais Settee TAXI to ChiMiaEngels on Flickr

  • Photo Highlight: JulsToffy Resident

    Photo Highlight: JulsToffy Resident

    What is Christmas? It is tenderness for the past, courage for the present, hope for the future. ~ Agnes M. Pahro Glorious image by JulsToffy Resident featuring our Marais Collection that is out now at the current round of Flourish Sales Studio. Flourish runs from Nov 23rd through Dec 15, 2020ღ TAXI to Flourishღ Juls…